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Witnessing Short Clips (1 min)

Witnessing Short Clips (1 min)

Witnessing Short Clips (1 min)
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"These are truly moments of grace" - Romain Langlois - Sculptor, Social Activist
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"These are truly moments of grace" - Romain Langlois - Sculptor, Social Activist

"Heaven on earth is not having to do something special to be loved" Jamie Catto - 1min Clip
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"Heaven on earth is not having to do something special to be loved" Jamie Catto - 1min Clip

"We're lucky to be together, here, in this moment" Vincent Dubourg
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"We're lucky to be together, here, in this moment" Vincent Dubourg

"Wow, that's beautiful, how did we get there?!" Nicola Powys - artist
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"Wow, that's beautiful, how did we get there?!" Nicola Powys - artist

"It was easiest the most uncomfortable moment of my life" John Wentz - artist - clip
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"It was easiest the most uncomfortable moment of my life" John Wentz - artist - clip

"Shared sense of creation" East Forest - Short Clip
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"Shared sense of creation" East Forest - Short Clip

"Maybe that's the real motivation" East Forest - Short Clip
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"Maybe that's the real motivation" East Forest - Short Clip

"The cosmic game of peekaboo" East Forest - Short Clip
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"The cosmic game of peekaboo" East Forest - Short Clip

"Art as understanding the whole sensually rather than thinking about the parts" Steve Marshall
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"Art as understanding the whole sensually rather than thinking about the parts" Steve Marshall

"We have to dig the gold from the silence" - Fateme Banishoeib - short clip
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"We have to dig the gold from the silence" - Fateme Banishoeib - short clip

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